East Coast Main Line Power Supply Upgrade

East Coast Main Line Power Supply Upgrade

The Power Supply Upgrade (PSU) project, is an Integral component of Network Rail’s wider investment to deliver the Intercity Express Programme, the programme aims to safely support more frequent and longer train services along the ECML and provide new electrification equipment along the Trans-Pennine route.

Project scope

The £237million, four year, project is being completed by the Rail Electrification Alliance (REAL). The alliance will construct new feeder stations,renew overhead line equipment (OLE)structures,
Installation of new and refurbishment of existing lineside cable containment and install new power cables and fibre cable over 246km of the ECML, between Wood Green in London and Doncaster.

The REAL alliance

The REAL is made up of Network Rail, VolkerRail, J Murphy & Sons, and Siemens Plc

MSD Scope

Completion of all route works and cabling between London and Doncaster, including the installation of a new 4 way and 2 way GRP Elevated route to house the new HV and ATF Cables, MSD have also been awarded the works to complete all the Under Track Crossings on the Project

Project value to date: XXXXXXX

Client: JMS

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